The Leading Automation Skills Certification Company

For Field-Level Employees Working with Emerging Technologies in Critical Infrastructure

What We Are

ASP is the largest and fastest growing employer group certifying workforce skills for critical infrastructure employers.

Why We Exist

ASP was founded by industry insiders who had faced workforce challenges in utilities, advanced manufacturing, and systems integration and we found success in our own operations.

Our secret sauce was:

  1. Accelerate emerging technology deployment to automate systems and workflows.

  2. Inventory skills needed to use emerging technology fluently.

  3. Upskill and verify skills gained.

  4. Assess on the job performance.

  5. Repeat.

Today, ASP is providing scalable workforce solutions to an international community of like employers seeking the same outcomes.

Our Mission

Is to empower peak performance through skills certification in emerging technologies.

Our Core Focus

is the evolving skill sets needed to use emerging technologies securely and fluently within critical infrastructure.

Bridging the IT - OT Skills Gap

As networks converge and technologies emerge, ASP is helping the critical infrastructure industry bridge the gap between OT and IT through skills certification.